It's all because of you...
Wings & Wheels is presented by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, a 501(c)6 organization. Not all donations are tax deductible. Contact for more information.
Donations from people like you make this event possible. From $1.00 to $1000.00, every little bit helps!
Taking the family out for a day of fun can be expensive! We're committed to keeping Wings & Wheels an admission-free event, and donations help to make that possible!
Your donation will go toward keeping our aircraft flying, enhancing services at the event, and even toward education programs that help our community's young adults find their way into aviation careers. Donating to Wings & Wheels keeps this community fall festival alive, keeps our history alive, and touches the lives of young adults entering the aviation field. With each year, our event grows... and it's all because of you! Consider donating today. Thank you!